Monday, 25 June 2018

Somewhere in the middle of this year... 2018.

Okay! so we were celebrating New Year’s Eve just a while ago and its end of June 2018 already. It’s all of a sudden, the 'happy realization’ moment for me, wherein too much happens before one could even realize to live it for itself. Anyway, just like half of the year has passed by in a blink of an eye, rest of the 2018 shall pass too. 

So, some random thought hit me up this morning- what would it be like to wake up a couple of years ahead from now into the future life... seems adventurous yet scary; as I don't want to miss out on living some part of life and waking up to know nothing about that missed portion about myself. 

It could be that there is just too much happening around, though nothing specific but just enough of things/events and stuff taking me into a transformational form or sorts. And probably everything looks like too demanding of a situation to have my attention. For instance, while checking out any sort of media content on a daily news paper/channel or facebook/twitter/instagram, it mentions a hundred and more headlines from around the country, world or sometimes even universe, yet how much of it is really a NEWS for me as an individual; to be true mostly none of it is. And the fact that these set of news gets updated every minute, actually every second. That is too much of information to address and handle at the same time, isn't it? 

With that speedy update of news, situations are changing in itself at a rapid speed (in my head for sure) and of-course none other than the great ‘technology’ has to be blamed for that. Oh well! that is what the researches usually conclude as a statement on the situational crisis of such kind. I kind of disagree, cause technology alone has not grown enough to be completely blamed for this situation. Instead of understanding the core and to accept facts about the growing sense of impersonal behaviors is a must. Another 'happy realization' moment.
There are several studies and researches to back this up, yet to experience it live, all I had to do was to go out for a coffee by myself in a cafeteria and look around and not at my phone (for a change). The place was filled with people yet felt very empty. There was food which meant to be uploaded on social media more and for consumption less. There was music which did feel like noise. There were and could be so many other things which came into notice and yet got un-noticed. If ever I had to explain this situation in a word, I would call it arid. It felt like every-one (including myself) is rushing into something or somewhere and yet unable to reach at the set destination at all. It is all excessively distracted and it does happen to all of us repetitively. Resulting into a sense of being social yet the reality is anti-social kind of. Also by now I’m sure, I have begun to sound like a maniac.  

Am wondering what exactly am I trying to connect because I totally love everything that is there in my life, yet am missing out on.... may be the liveliness of life that felt a few years ago.  It was all just too enjoyable and eventful back then, when situation/people/lifestyle were not too advanced. Though somewhere running down the memory lane most of us must have thought in a similar way of life being amazing with technological advancements. While the advancement are now being a part of us and more than just an experience, keeping us more and more dependable on technologies and stuff.
Therefore, all i wish for is to set myself slightly aloof from the so called news and updates. And get this year 2018 which has gone by at lightning speed so far (at least for me), somehow somewhere slows down to get back the lost contentment and simplicity into my life again. Look around, be grateful and stay happy cause half the year is yet to happen ;).